El Toro, airplanes and you
South Laguna Village
Commercial zone–a new reality!
his is the start of my second
year on the Laguna Beach
City Council.
Therefore, I
have chosen to number this issue
Volume 2, number 1. I have
appreciated your feedback on previous
editions of Love Laguna Beach, and
hope that you find this information
both interesting and timely. As I told
you when I started this letter, it is my
intention to use it as a vehicle to
provide you information on what’s
happening in City government.
o you know someone who
should be receiving this
update? Please e-mail me
their name and e-mail address and
I’ll add them to the list!
March 5 election.
by Cheryl Kinsman, member of the
Laguna Beach City Council, as a
service to the people of Laguna
Beach. Not prepared, printed or
mailed at taxpayer expense.
(Volume 2, number 1)
he El Toro airport has been getting
more than its share of attention in the
You have read about the enormous amounts of money being spent
campaign, which promotes a new international airport at the
former El Toro Marine Base.
the City of Laguna Beach, has been extremely successful lately in
stopping the misuse of public funding for these expensive and
misleading advertising campaigns.
instructed to stop spending taxpayers’ money on this campaign.
The County had planned nine county-wide mailings costing
millions of dollars in the month of January alone in support of the
new airport.
agreement with the City of Newport Beach and its pro-airport arm,
the Airport Working Group. They have also been spending
taxpayer money to promote the airport on cable TV ads and with
direct mail. All such activities paid for from public funds must
now cease.
Commercial zone. The City this week adopted as
an urgency ordinance the new South Laguna Village
commercial zoning that the South Laguna Subcommittee–
composed of South Laguna residents, business owners, and
planning commission members–had worked on for more than a
year. The intent of the zoning is to re-vitalize the South Laguna
Commercial District and make it more “resident friendly” by
encouraging pedestrian oriented uses such as sidewalk cafes, retail
stores, restaurants and beauty shops. Final approval by the Coastal
Commission is required for this to become permanent.