What’s inside:

aguna Canyon Road is the
road we love to hate.
It curves
and winds its way into Laguna,
and some believe it is one of our least
safe roads. No more! This issue
reports on the changes about to occur
to our entrance into Laguna. You will
see that they are major.

Santa is coming:

anta arrives in downtown
Laguna Beach this Friday.
This Friday, Santa arrives in
downtown Laguna Beach. The
kids will love seeing him, but everyone
will love enjoying the hospitality of
the downtown merchants. Come enjoy
being with your neighbors this Friday.

o you know someone who
should be receiving this
update? Please e-mail me
their name and e-mail address and
I’ll add them to the list!

My e-mail address is

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Love Laguna Beach! is prepared
by Cheryl Kinsman, member of the
Laguna Beach City Council, as a
service to the people of Laguna
Beach. Not prepared, printed or
mailed at taxpayer expense.

Love Laguna Beach!

December 4, 2002(Volume 3, number 1)
byCheryl Kinsman

Laguna Canyon Road realignment project is
actually going to begin.

When completed, the long delayed project will provide 2 lanes of
travel in each direction. Much of the road will be divided, and the
overall project will provide much safer travel into and out of
Laguna. In addition, the extra lanes will provide needed ingress
and egress in case of emergency.

Actual work by the county’s contractor will begin on January 8,
2003. Construction will take approximately 3-1/2 years, and will
begin with the placement of fencing to keep the contractor away
from environmentally sensitive areas.

During the first year of construction there should be little or no
impact on the current roadway. During the second and third years
of the project, there will be some road closures, generally from
Friday evening at 11 p.m. until Monday morning at 5 a.m.
Completion of the project is anticipated in June of 2005.

This project has involved coordination among the County of
Orange, CalTrans, the cities of Laguna Beach, Irvine and Laguna
Woods, and Laguna’s environmental groups including the Laguna
Canyon Foundation and Laguna Greenbelt. One thing that was
important to the environmental groups was preservation of the
Laguna Lakes, and after completion these lakes will be allowed to
return to their natural state.

A groundbreaking ceremony with Supervisor Thomas Wilson is
tentatively scheduled for January 7th at 2 p.m. at the James Dilley
offsite parking site on Laguna Canyon Road. Shuttle busses may
be available.

If you are interested in more information regarding this project,
the Laguna Canyon Conservancy will have a guest speaker at its
monthly dinner on January 6, 2003, at Tivoli Terrace. For
reservations for the dinner, call Ed or Kit at 494-6465.





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Road construction ahead.
Your tax dollars at work.