What’s inside:

Are you looking for a parking
spot? This plan may help.
• Update on how the state budget
crunch will affect Laguna Beach.
Heisler Park–should we let it
erode? Come tell the Council.
South Coast Medical Center
has announced it may close. You
can help change their minds.
• Personal note–you are invited!

Laguna happenings:

On Thursday, June 3, at 5 pm
we will be dedicating a mural at
Forest Lane designed and
executed by students from
Laguna College of Art and
Design. Come help dedicate this
project, and stay for First
Thursday’s Art Walk.

o you know someone who
should be receiving this
update? Please e-mail me
their name and e-mail address and
I’ll add them to the list!

My e-mail address is

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Love Laguna Beach! is prepared by
Cheryl Kinsman, member of the
Laguna Beach City Council, as a
service to the people of Laguna
Beach. Not prepared, printed or
mailed at taxpayer expense.

Love Laguna Beach!

May 31, 2004(Volume 4, number 3)


Mayor Cheryl Kinsman

re you still driving around town
looking for a parking space?
We can
fix that by building an up to 600 car parking
from the Festival grounds and Laguna Playhouse. It
would provide year round parking for residents and
summertime free trams.

This plan was proposed by the Village Entrance Task
force more than seven years ago, and has been
adopted by the city council.

What’s stopping this 24-hour a day, all-year-round
parking? The California Coastal Commission. We
are fortunate that Council member Toni Iseman is a
voting member of this commission. Let her know
you want to move forward with the Village Entrance
Parking Structure.

s I earlier reported,theCityof
Laguna Beach will be hurtbystate
government over spendinginprior
Laguna Beach’s shareofthestatebudget
“contribution” is the largest in Orange County.

he city is moving forward with plans
to preserve and renovate Heisler
Park in North Laguna.Theconceptual
master plan will be presented at the Council meeting
on Tuesday, June 1.

Should portions of the park be allowed to erode
naturally, or should we try to maintain the park we
have now, without allowing it to erode and become
smaller? Give your opinion at the June 1st council
meeting, starting at 6 pm. Heisler Park is number
11 on the agenda.

(See next page, please)





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outh Coast Medical
Center update.
and we must be proactive if we
want to keep our hospital.

Eighty percent of Laguna
Beach’s paramedic calls that
require emergency room
treatment are transported to
SCMC. Our firemen tell me
that they are not allowed to

transport patients to emergency rooms where there is
no attached hospital.

I will soon propose to the city council that we form a
Mayor’s citizen task force for input on this problem.
This task force will be available to work with the
consultants the city has hired to keep the hospital in
Laguna Beach.

ersonal note.NextSunday,June6,Iam
having a party to announce my candidacyfor
click on this link:


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On Saturday, May 29, I was honored to welcome veterans and their families and
friends to a ceremony honoring all veterans, but especially those from World
War II. (Photo courtesy of Bob Mosier)

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