Laguna Beach needs experienced leadership to complete the many tasks ahead of us. I will supply that leadership. At this time of state-wide fiscal crisis, Laguna Beach needs my financial expertise on the City Council more than ever. No one else on the Laguna Beach City Council or running for it has my level of financial experience. As a Certified Public Accountant, I've dealt professionally with financial statements all my adult life. I know how to read them, and I know how to find their "hidden" meanings.
In a lot of ways, I'm an ordinary person--a working mom with a husband, two kids, and a dog. I have taught Sunday School, gone to AYSO soccer and Little League games, and am involved with my kids' schools. My husband and I have lived throughout Laguna Beach for more than 30 years, first in Arch Beach Heights, then in the Village, and now in South Laguna. Our offices have been downtown, in North Laguna and in South Laguna.
I bring other assets to the Council. I have common sense, acquired by running my own business and by dealing with the day-to-day problems of managing a family. I apply that common sense to Laguna Beach's problems.
I prepare. When I am given materials for meetings, I read those materials and visit the sites named in them. I listen to people to get their ideas, and I communicate. That communication included "Mondays with the Mayor", which has encouraged citizens to meet with me to help them solve problems with the city. It also includes the newsletters I have sent to all who asked. (You can see them by clicking on "Cheryl's newsletters" on the menu to the left.) Those who have observed my last 8 years of service on the City Council know that each of these statements is true.
So...why am I running? I bring experienced leadership, financial expertise, common sense, preparedness, responsiveness and open communication to the people of Laguna Beach.
Last updated 07/02/08.